#MyKintecStory – Kiana Slawter
Accepting a co-op position at Kintec is by far one of the best decisions I ever made.
I’ve been able to further my education by learning more about biomechanical issues and ailments.
Furthermore, I learned more about my career goals, the traits of an exceptional team, and how to create a lasting bond between the patient and Fitting Expert.

Working At Kintec
People know that Kintec is focused on customer satisfaction and delivering the best service possible. But Kintec is also invested in their employee’s futures, whether it’s within the company or elsewhere. A community this supportive creates growth in well-being, self-confidence, and ability to grow in a medical field such as pedorthics or presents the opportunity to segue into a different medical career such as physiotherapy, chiropracty, or podiatry.
Kintec places emphasis on learning different skills that are transferable between careers in the medical sector and the office sector. With a well-rounded skill set, you can narrow down your interest with ease. Not just that, but it helps you dive deeper into your passions. I can personally say that working with patients every day has solidified my love for working with the public; pursuing a career involving treatment plans and musculoskeletal work makes me ecstatic for the future.
Making New Friends At Work
Kintec offers an extremely supportive community for learning. Here, I could form connections between co-workers and managers, and effortlessly make positive contributions to patients’ lives. The bond I have developed between my team members and me is astounding. I understand now what it feels like to work in a professional environment.
Although everyone may be busy, there will always be help and support available if needed. This support and kindness from those around you add to the confidence and politeness displayed when helping patients. Not only did I gain support in the store, but I have a fun group of friends outside of work. Strong connections like these are essential to leading a happy, fulfilled work and home life and creating much more positive morale in the work environment.
The Bond Between Patients And Fitting Experts
I believe that an exceptionally important part of the job is the interactions between patients and employees. Creating a connection between the patient and Fitting Expert is essential to the process of introducing a treatment plan. This aspect of the job is what held the highest impact for me. Being able to truly connect with a patient can be a challenge. It requires nuanced techniques to gain information from a customer and create a base level of trust.
Showing customers how trustworthy I was could be challenging at times. However, I learned that being an intent listener with a remarkable knowledge of human anatomy and biomechanics, trust from the patient comes naturally. Not only have I furthered my knowledge about common injuries and ailments about the human body, but I have continued to grow by learning about different personalities and what sort of approach works best for each specific person.
Although taking a break out of your school life to pursue a co-op career may be frightening, it is worth it. I learned so many important skills at this job. Uncovering more about the career goals I set for myself, jovial workplace camaraderie, and the patient-fitting expert interaction is a bonus.
For anyone considering a co-op placement, I will always recommend Kintec as my first choice.
Kiana Slawter
Co-op Student (Kintec Langley)
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