March 19, 2015 In Everything Shoes Top 5 Trail Runners for Spring 2015 Spring is almost here and I can hardly wait to hit the trails with some of Kintec's new 2015 trail shoes! I've have picked... 0
March 18, 2015 In Everything Shoes, Tips and Tricks Trail Runners vs. Hikers: What You Need to Know! Many recreational hikers often think that in order to enjoy the trails, they need to invest in a pair of... 0
March 9, 2015 In Trailside Physio, Training New to exercise? Tips to stay injury-free! With new years resolutions in full swing and summer fast approaching, this time of year is popular for people to... 0
March 5, 2015 In Foot Health Top 3 Myths of Custom Foot Orthotics People like to say these things about orthotics, and they are straight up untrue. Here's why.... 0
February 16, 2015 In Kintec In The News Saturday will be Coldest Night of the Year (The Langley Times) Gateway of Hope has partnered with Kintec Langley to have people donate slightly used or new shoes so they can... 0
February 12, 2015 In Foot Health Love your Feet: Foot Care and Health Your feet are responsible for bearing your weight and getting you anywhere you need to go. Needless to say, you... 0
February 3, 2015 In Trailside Physio Functional Movement In the health care and fitness industries, the words ‘functional’ and ‘function’ are used to describe many different things. ... 0
January 30, 2015 In Sponsored Athletes So You Want to Ride a Bobsled Part 2 When we last left I was just arriving in Whistler and getting ready to start training. For my first week... 0
January 29, 2015 In Orthotics Orthotics Can Help Improve Your Winter Fun When patients come in for a pedorthic assessment, they commonly think that one orthotic will do it all. Today, we... 0
January 28, 2015 In Training Stay Colourful and Run Happy! Here's what Kintec Port Moody is currently loving: In anticipation to sunnier days ahead, nothing says Spring like a pop of... 0