September 23, 2014 In Foot Health Common Soccer Injuries Along with the fun of the game, unfortunately, soccer can bring a higher risk of injury.... 0
August 28, 2014 In Foot Health Understanding Metatarsalgia There are numerous potential underlying causes of metatarsalgia.... 2
July 31, 2014 In Foot Health, Training Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome (ITBFS) As I continue along the blogging trend of common running injuries, Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome (ITBFS) is the next one... 0
July 2, 2014 In Foot Health Shin Splints (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome) Most individuals describe their exercise-induced symptoms as a dull ache along the inner tibial border, as mentioned above.... 0
June 3, 2014 In Foot Health Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome This condition is most often seen in active individuals, and even more specifically within the running population.... 2
July 8, 2013 In Foot Health Types of Foot Pain and Solutions Foot pain comes in many different forms and levels of severity, but at some point or another in our lives,... 4
December 20, 2011 In Foot Health Treating foot problems in childhood can prevent other physiological issues later in life When I saw an article in the Vancouver Sun about taking steps toward happy feet, it really made me think... 0
December 8, 2011 In Foot Health Reduce the Injury Risk on Winter Vacations Winter time is here and with that comes tropical winter vacations. A time when we shed our thick jackets, long underwear... 0