Stretches for Office Workers
Most of us have made an excuse for not stretching enough in our day to day. Sitting at a desk or standing at a workstation for prolonged periods of time during the work day can cause muscle tension, stiffness, strain, and fatigue in the neck, shoulders, wrists, arms, hands, back and legs.

To prevent this, taking frequent rest breaks to stretch is important. So do yourself a favour, and make the time to do them!
Below is a list of stretches you can do throughout the work day – even right at your desk – that will help prevent muscle strain so you can keep working throughout the day more comfortably.
READ MORE: 4 Injury Reducing Stretches For Runners
Upper Body
Here are stretches you can do comfortably from your desk chair. Click each photo to enlarge.
This is a stretch of the upper trapezius.
Reach down and grab the side of the chair with the right hand.
Gently pull while tilting your head to the left, feeling a stretch down the right side of the neck and shoulder.
Hold for 30-60 seconds, 2-3 times per side.
Lower Limbs
Stand facing a wall with your arms straight in front of you and your hands flat against the wall.
Keep your right leg forward, foot flat on the floor, and extend your left leg straight back, placing your heel flat on the floor. Don’t bend your back knee. (fig. 1)
Lean into the wall until you feel the stretch in the calf of the straight leg. Hold for 30 seconds, repeat two to three times per side.
PRO-TIP: Another variation of this is to bend the back knee which will activate the soleus. (fig. 2)
Hip Flexors
Start in a half kneeling position on a soft mat or pad.
While keeping a slight forward lean of the torso, tighten the core and contract the glute of the leg with the knee on the ground.
Shift the entire body slightly forward. Avoid excessive arching in your lower back. You should be able to feel this stretch at the front of the hip and upper thigh.
Hold for 30-60 seconds, repeating two to three times per leg.
Useful Desk Massage Products
Foot Rubz Ball
Roll the ball under your feet back and forth along the arches to alleviate tension in the muscles and fascia of the feet.
Addaday Uno Roller
Its adjustability makes it perfect for relieving neck and upper back tightness.
Addaday Marble Roller
This tool is great to massage out knots in neck, quads, shoulders and arms.
These tools are small enough to keep on your desk, use them any time of the day. All of these great massage products are available at a Kintec near you!
Lyndsay Iezzi, B.Kin, C. Ped. (C)
Kintec Pedorthist
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